Update – Friends….if you are coming to the Special with David Spirit at 7 p.m. on the 12th of March. please note we only have a limited size car park outside the church. So you may want to consider parking on the main Holway Rd at the top. However, please note there is council tarmacing taking place on the road and there are traffic lights a bit further down from the church on the left-hand side as you drive to the church from the West and this is limiting parking somewhat.
Also, the church has a maximum capacity of 60 people. In the event you come tonight and the church is full, please accept our apologies – we do have to respect health and safety! We will of course be having future exciting Specials in the near future.
We will be holding a special demonstration of mediumship with renowned young medium David Spirit from Liverpool at 7 p.m. on Tuesday the 12th of March. David has a reputation as a wonderful medium with a brilliant connection to Spirit. David delivers evidential messages with love light and laughter. Although David has served churches in the North West of England and has served in one of the Wrexham churches, it will be his first time with us in Holywell and we very much look forward to receiving him. Please come along for what should be a lovely evening with like-minded people and of course, to have the chance of receiving an uplifting message from loved ones from the higher side of life.
Entry costs £6 at the door. Optional raffle. Refreshments available afterwards.
David is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087371827588 and at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090703092480