The address of the church and postcode for SAT NAV users is:
Rear of Glannant
Holway Road
Click on map to enlarge

The church is located down a narrow driveway at the rear of houses on Holway road. Look out for our blue sign on Holway Road pointing down the driveway.

Approaching the church signpost on Holway Road travelling towards Carmel, Lloc and Caerwys.

Approaching the church signpost on Holway Road travelling towards Holywell.

Turn down into the driveway directly opposite the signpost pointing to the church. If the gate is shut, open it to gain access to the driveway.

The driveway bears around to the right-hand side and then go down past the gate.

The driveway bears to the left and you will see the car park and church ahead.
Important message – if you are coming to the church and park on the top road, there is NO PARKING ALLOWED where the white lines are in the pictures below. We have had complaints from residents. We realise our actual church car park is limited and it is sometimes necessary to park on the top road, but please respect the white line restrictions. And please do not park in front of any residents’ driveways or houses with ‘no parking’ signs. Thanks everyone.