A poem from church member Vera Steward.... For a dear mum on a very special day, From my heart I wish to say That you are in my thoughts and in all I do. Your love and guidance have always helped me through. I'll never forget your happy song, Even when hard times came along. You found the inner strength to get through, As you led my steps into all that was true. You taught me to find my own true way, And although I can never fully repay, My love is your love and cannot go wrong, I am here because your song lives on. Thank you for being my mum, For the laughter and the fun. Thank you for helping me in my darkest night, For all your wisdom and special insight. Thank you for guiding me, When the pathway became difficult to see. Thank you for always being there, And selflessly being able to care. Thank you for never judging me, And for simply letting me be me. Thank you for all those happy silly things, That made us smile and gave laughter its wings.