Special evening of mediumship with David Spirit

September 17, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Holywell Spiritualist Church and Healing Sanctuary
Rear of Glannant
Holway Road, Holywell
£10 payable on entry
Helen Jones
07736 256499

We are pleased to announce that by popular demand, David Burke aka David Spirit from Liverpool is going to be back with us at Holywell for a special demonstration of mediumship at 7 p.m. on Tuesday 17th of September. David has a reputation as a wonderful medium with a brilliant connection to Spirit who delivers evidential messages with love light and laughter. David will be visiting us a third time after his first sell out appearance last March when the church was full to capacity.

Please come along for what should be a lovely evening with like-minded people and of course, to have the chance of receiving an uplifting message from loved ones from the higher side of life.

There are no tickets sold in advance for this. You just come and pay at the door. Cost is £10 at the door. Optional raffle on entry.

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