Every Wednesday evening commencing 7:30 p.m. is our weekly Healing Circle.
This is what happens on a Wednesday evening. The group links hands. The chairperson (usually Ralph or Peter) will open the session with a prayer. Then we unclasp hands and say the Lords Prayer. We then take it in turns to call out names of family members and friends to ask for healing for them. The chairperson then does a short philosophy so that everyone is nice and relaxed and ready for the healing. The church healers then give healing which takes about 20 minutes. The chairperson will close the session with a prayer. At the end of the session, one member of the group is invited to blow out the candle in the centre of the circle for someone who is unwell. Finally, we retire to the kitchen for refreshments and a chat. There is no cost for healing apart from a donation to the collection box.
If you feel a bit under the weather or something is on your mind, why not pop along and try out receiving healing. Most who come for healing say the evening is lovely and they leave feeling uplifted mentally, physically and spiritually. And don’t be nervous about coming – it’s a really lovely and informal evening with the friendly and approachable church healers and those who come for healing.
If anyone has been to the church for healing on a Wednesday, we’d love to receive your comments on your experience of the circle and how you felt after healing.