Welcome to the new website for Holywell Spiritualist Chuch and Healing Sanctuary. The site has been developed to promote the different faces of the church (spiritualist church, healing sanctuary and spiritual centre) and the wealth of events and services that it hosts.
A big thank you to Bill Ellis who has created and maintained the previous versions of the website for the past 11 years. The site has been a great resource to church members.
It was the wish of the church committee at the AGM this year to refresh the site to promote the church and events to a wider audience and also be recognised also as a healing sanctuary and spiritual centre.
The site has been designed to have a fresh contemporary look and to be easy to use with much more information. It will be continuously updated and we are happy to receive feedback on the site, the content.
The site is also integrated with our brand new facebook page so be sure to visit and like the page, it is a great way of keeping up to date with news and events.