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June 24, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 2:30 pm
Holywell Spiritualist Church and Healing Sanctuary
Gina Diamond
07756 727946
Please note there is a maximum number of participants for this workshop. When full and if enough interest we will repeat at a later date. To reserve your space phone Gina on 07756 727946.
Hello beautiful souls Gina Diamond here. On Saturday the 24th of June 2023 it is my privilege to begin some workshops from the Healing Sanctuary here at Holywell. The aim being to open our hearts to re-member your heritage and power as a loving spiritual being. Thus opening, deepening and refining our communication with spirit.
The first workshop will enable some to rediscover our chakra system within the subtle bodies and the human body, the avatar of choice for this incarnation. whilst for others it maybe something very new or relatively new. My aims for this day are that we support each other whilst being open to experience the energy of each chakra and look at ways we can help these vortex of energy to become healthy and fully functional contributing to our overall health and wellbeing thus enabling us to align to the highest version of self, to Mother Earth Gaia and to the Father aspect via the Great Cosmic central sun.
Together we will create a loving nurturing safe environment in which to hold one another whilst we explore the inner worlds of our divinity. We will look at creating a spiritual first aid box, look at how we can explore our inner world by using intention, sound, colour, essential oils, mantras and positive affirmations and of course crystals. Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. We will discuss energy that can remain stuck or attached in our subtle energy bodies via the chakra system, look at how we can remove and dissolve this and what we can do to assure it does not return. We will discuss cutting psychic chords using the Sword of Archangel Michael, looking at the reasons why it may not always work! Clearing our chakras can leave residue within the energy fields around us, we will explore ways of being more responsible with these energies, by either dissolving lower frequency and energy imprints using the purest of love vibration gold and or working with St Germain and the violet flame of transmutation.
Am I speaking to you? Are you hearing the call to this inner work? If so: We will begin at 11 a.m. and work till 12.30 p.m. taking half an hour to have a light lunch (please bring your own lunch and any special water you may want to drink) tap water provided. We will reconvene at 1 p.m. through to 2.30, maybe 3 p.m. The cost for this workshop is £11 per person. Keeping it as affordable as possible.
Please bring a journal for note taking, wear comfortable clothing in your favourite colour or colours.
We are in the midst of Ascension, our consciousness is shifting, expanding and our human DNA is being upgraded and reprogrammed. It really doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, it’s happening for everyone!
I have been serving humanity with divine spirit forever, that is how it feels! In this lifetime my earliest memory is the age of three, 63 years ago in the woods in Essex. It was here I was reminded where I had come from and what part of my mission on earth was. Mary Magdalene and Jeshua under the umbrella of the Christ Consciousness would guide me to re-member and embrace my true nature as a divine spiritual being, eventually helping others to re-member also. It certainly has not been an easy pathway, yet here I AM! Some of you will have met me, seen and heard me speak, maybe even received a message from spirit working through me. Those of you I have not already met I look forward to sharing space with you as we co create our future humanity within the loving fields of energy here on earth.
For more information and or to book your place ring me on the above number.
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