Repeat Special evening of Mediumship with James Byrne

November 2, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Holywell Spiritualist Church and Healing Sanctuary
Rear of Glan Nant. Holway Road
Flintshire CH8 7NN
Helen Jones
07736 256499
Repeat Special evening of Mediumship with James Byrne @ Holywell Spiritualist Church and Healing Sanctuary
As the Special with James on the 19th of October is now fully booked, we are pleased to announce that gifted UK psychic James Byrne will be back with us for a repeat super evening of Mediumship at 7 p.m. on Tuesday the 2nd of November 2021. As always, when James comes to us, it’s a memorable evening of Mediumship with his special brand of humour alongside. Tickets cost £6 at the door with an optional raffle. Booking is required via Vice President Helen Jones on telephone 07736 256499. Directions on our website at…/directions…/
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