Author Archive | Holywell Church


What is Healing?

Healing is a completely natural process. It is thought to be a flow of beneficial energy between the Healer and the recipient that deals with the “dis-ease” at its deepest level and frees your natural resources to work in the most effective way for you. What happens during a Healing session? Healers work with their […]

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Profile of medium Clare Leeding

Clare did a lot of her development at our church. She has served the church with love and light on many occasions. We asked her about her spiritual journey. This is Clare’s story:- My journey started when I was quite young. I was quite intuitive with members of the family. I used to dream about […]

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Profile of medium Joy Fernavs

Joy has served our church several times and has fantastic ability to communicate with spirit. We asked Joy about how she got started on her journey and her current path and this is what she told us:- “I got started when I was round about 4 years old. My father passed away and I couldn’t understand […]

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“As I began to love myself” by Charlie Chaplin

Last month, Peter from the Church was on holiday in Swansea and whilst there, he attended a Divine Service in Lower Oxford Street Spiritualist Church. The following poem written by Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday was read out in the philosophy. It is so poignant and memorable that we thought it is worth repeating. Here […]

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